Remote Instruction Resources

To support instructors preparing for remote instruction, DLS has developed the following resources.

  • Remote Instruction Guide: Developed specifically for UC Berkeley instructors and GSIs, this guide serves as a resource on how to use your bCourses site as your virtual classroom, develop asynchronous instructional materials, foster student-to-student interaction, and reimagine assignments and exams for a remote format. The guide is provided in bCourses as a self-enrollment course.

If you have a CalNet ID, you can enroll in the guide via the following link:

Enrolling in the guide will save it to your bCourses dashboard. However, if you do not have a CalNet ID, you can still access the course via the following link

  • Remote Instruction Strategies: Using the Remote Instruction Guide as the foundation, this workshop highlights strategies for successful remote instruction, focusing on how to thoughtfully use asynchronous and synchronous teaching methods and demonstrating how to develop your bCourses site as your virtual classroom. To learn more and register, visit the Remote Instruction Strategies event series page.
  • Tools for Remote Instruction: This training provides an overview of digital tools available to UC Berkeley instructors in support of remote instruction, with a focus on bCourses (Canvas LMS), Zoom, and Google Drive. To learn more and register, visit Tools for Remote Instruction event series page.
  • How can I work on my bCourses site without a CalNet account? If department instructors have not completed on-boarding and don’t yet have CalNet IDs, they can use the workflow the knowledge base as a workaround until they’ve received their CalNet ID.