Use a Course Map to Design Your Course

Course Design Tools Help

Use a Course Map to Design Your Course

Translating your in-person course to a remote instruction format can be a daunting task, and planning ahead is key. Consider using a Course Map to begin designing your course. DLS uses this tool when working with instructors who are developing fully online courses for the first time, and it can be useful for instructors preparing to teach remotely, as well. 

The Course Map is grounded in a design process commonly called "backward" or "intentional" course design that centers student learning by aligning course elements to learning goals. To that end, the Course Map provides a structure to plan each module around learning objectives and then determine which readings, lectures, materials, activities, assessments, and interactions should be included.

If you’d like to use the Course Map, the link below will take you to where you can view an annotated template. Make a copy of the Course Map template or download it for your personal use.


Remote Instruction Guide